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What’s the best mobile-data option in Australia (Melbourne) for nomads?

in Melbourne , Australia by @iamfledge 10yr  | 4 comments

I’m due to spend a couple of weeks in Melbourne in April and looking to see if there’s a good non-contract mobile data option for my time there.

Ideally I’d like to be able to tether to my laptop. Any Aus based nomads able to make some recommendations?

@grum 10yr

Depends on what your expectations are for ‘best’.

You have 3 main carriers and a bunch of virtual operators. The best carrier is Telstra but it can be the most expensive. Their network is the best for speed and coverage however if you’re only going to stay in Melbourne, all 3 carriers will be fine. If you go bush, go Telstra.

I personally use Optus with their $2 days. $2 gives you unlimited calls, texts and 500mb of data. If I need more data, an extra $2 will give me 500 more megs but you’re capped after that for the day. For days where I just use wifi, I pay nothing.

Not many carriers give you large amounts of data. You’ll find 10-15 gig options from Yatango and Amaysim who are virtual operators (they resell Optus I believe). I believe Amaysim is 3G only but Yatango should be 4G as well by now (if not now, soon). Those will cost you around $70-$100 off the top of my head.

There are other options, including data-only plans but most come on a plan that lasts 12-36 months. I probably have missed something as the last time I did research was late last year.


@dfcowell 10yr

Last time I was back home I did a lot of research (just before Christmas) - this is by far the best option I found for nomads. Up to 31GB of data per month and your credit expires after 12 months, which means if you come back within that time you’re good to go.

@grum 10yr

The credit expiry has changed now - it lasts between 5 days to 100 days depending on the amount you top-up. Very annoying.

@iamfledge 10yr

Just checked out that Optus $2 prepaid daily plus plan - looks absolutely perfect.

Thanks a lot guys.

Kinda wish I could get the sim-card posted to me in advance (outside of Australia) - but looks like theres an Optus shop at Melbourne airport:

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How do I get Travel/Medical Insurance for Portugal for visa application from Australia?

in Portugal by @jonathanpoh 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

I'm preparing my Portuguese D7 long-term visa application and one of the required documents is proof of travel insurance with medical coverage. However, as an Australian citizen, if put that as my country of residence in many travel insurance companies' quick quote forms, I'm unable to get ANY insurance coverage at all because of the current travel ban out of Australia, and the Australian govt's 'Do Not Travel' advice to ALL countries. I know that Aussies are applying for, and successfully getting visas from the Portuguese Consulate here, so where and how are they fulfilling this insurance requirement if insurers aren't selling any coverage? Does anybody know or have any ideas?


Tax advisor for permanent nomads?

by @eljaques 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

I'm in need of a tax advisor who understands "our" typical situation. I'm all good on being legal on taxes at this point, but as I'm doing more investing and there's more compliance and KYC and such, it's getting more complicated to deal with this topic. Not living in my country of citizenship, company in another country, resident in yet another country, banking in a different country ... you know how it is, a pile of red flags.

Would be great to find a good tax advisor to sort things in a way that makes my situation as "explainable" and easily dealt with as possible. Any leads?


How do I set current location? I've looked everywhere for this option.

by @yousifyalda 5yr 5 years ago  | 5 comments

All I see is section to add trips, but I reside here. Home and all.


What investment options are open to e-resident?

by @64tankman 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

I know from experience that if you have residential status in countries where IG (a broker) serves, you can buy stocks and other assets through this broker. But I wonder what doors to the stock market, asset market or broker can be unlocked with e-residency? Some banks open a terminal for customers to buy assets overseas too, is one of the e-residency friendly bank offering a good portfolio of assets to invest in?


How do we solve housing for digital nomads?


by @levelsio 5yr 5 years ago  | 61 comments

There’s been a lot of discussion on this recently.

Nomads usually stay in hostels, hotels and short-term apartments. But it’s all not very optimal.

I’ve heard people suggest getting funding and building a network of houses you can stay at for a subscription price (e.g. Bruno Haid is working on that).

I don’t want do physical stuff, so I’m thinking of building a platform around making housing better for nomads.

What are the housing problems nomads face? And how can we solve them with products/services?


How is Sicily for digital nomads?

by @gaelm 5yr 5 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi all, I was looking for a cool spot in Southern Europe for winter and I’m considering Sicily… Have you ever been there? If yes, how was your experience? If not, why?


How is Bari, Italy for digital nomads?

in Bari , Italy by @mitch_dina 5yr 5 years ago  | 7 comments

Does anyone have experience in Bari, Italy please? We are thinking of going from Dubrovnik, Croatia to Bari by boat in mid-March. Has anyone taken a boat across? Is it nice or can it be choppy? (We are trying to avoid planes, to reduce our carbon footprint, so adding more surface travel.) Also, any info you might be able to offer about Bari and the surrounds? Next step will likely be trains up Italy as the Spring progresses.


How is Mauritius for digital nomads?

in Mauritius by @wakkos 6yr 6 years ago  | 14 comments

Hello all,

I’m planning on spending a couple of month in Mauritius Island and even when I’ve been there for a week, never rented or worked there.

Does anyone here has tips or experience to share about Mauritius?



Is there an option to add spoken languages?

by @sukienniko 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Not sure if this has been addressed anywhere, but if we could specify which languages we speak, the nomad score for various non-English speaking destinations will change, making it more personalized per user.

For example, every city in China has a low “English-speaking” score, which brings it down to a lower overall score than it (may) deserve because of this, despite possibly being an overall great destination for remote/nomadic work etc.

You may be thinking: that would defeat the purpose of the “nomad community” and having English as a global language, but I don’t think it would detract from the community as a whole, but rather extend it and make it more inclusive.

Looking forward to any thoughts on this!


How to stay in Australia for longer than 3 months

in Australia by @rose_davis 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

Hey there!

I’m planning on spending 3 months in Australia next year on a tourist visa. I’ve already gotten my working holiday visa (in 2017), but unfortunately didn’t get to take advantage of the full year (only stayed 3 months).

My boyfriend will be able to get his working holiday visa before we go, so I’m wondering if anyone knows of a way that I might be able to extend my stay (6 months would be ideal, if longer I wouldn’t complain).

I’d like to do this legally of course, so I’m wondering about a student visa. Anyone have experience getting this to extend their stay?

And other workarounds that might be worth exploring?

Might also be worth noting – I’ll be working while I’m there (for a US-based company) and I am American.

Appreciate the help!



Apple TV and Netflix: Do these work for Nomads?

by @lricci 6yr 6 years ago  | 8 comments

We launch in 2 weeks. In the US, we use Apple TV and Netflix regularly. Do these work abroad?


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Year’s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I haven’t had any entry issues to any of the several countries I’ve visited after, but now I’m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry won’t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as I’ve never traveled there before, don’t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


What's the best mobile-data option in New Zealand for nomads?

in New Zealand by @goldsaj 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi All! I’ve heard Spark and Vodafone are the best. I plan to move around, so I care mostly about having good coverage, and all I’ll need is around 1 GB of data or so.

Any suggestions?



Is Three's 'Go Roam' package any good for British nomads?

by @alexnapierholland 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

Hey, Three in the UK offer a ‘Go Roam’ package that - at first glance - looks good for nomads.

It essentially promises data use abroad, up to 12GB,

I’d link to Three’s FAQ for Go Roam, but as I’m a new user I can’t.

Bali/Indonesia and Australia are both included, which are top destinations for me.

Thailand is not, which may be annoying.

I could do with a new iPhone before I leave for Bali again in January and as I’ve been launching a new business, am a bit short on cash.

Unsure if this is a good solution, or if it makes more sense to sit-it-out on my iPhone 6 until I can buy an iPhone XS Max with cash and stick whatever SIM I want in it.

What do you guys think?



London meet-ups / events / places to meet nomads?

in London , United Kingdom by @jameswander 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Are there any regular meet-ups or other places to meet nomads in London?

This was the only nomad focused event I saw on


What's the best bank for South African digital nomads?

in South Africa by @kirst85 7yr 7 years ago  | 12 comments

I’m a South African about to become a Nomad next year. I will still be employed by a South African company and receive a salary into my FNB bank account monthly.

I will be mostly based in Serbia but plan on travelling a lot. Does anyone have any advice on the best bank account to have? Is there a way to not get charged a small fortune in ATM charges and avoid getting my account frozen for using it in lots of countries?

I’m unsure of the best way to handle things. Should I try get another bank account outside of SA (Can I even do that)? I also have a British Passport if that makes a difference.

If any of you have any experienced advice I would be very grateful, Thanks in advance!


Australians CAN spend more than 90 days in Schengen countries

in Australia by @uncompromise 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

The Australian government apparently has bilateral agreements with a number of signatories to the Schengen Visa treaty that predate, and supersede, the standard 90/180 for traveling in the Schengen zone.

This Wikipedia article stipulates to the bilateral visa agreements:

According to this article, and some of the links I’ve followed to official documents, Australians are (potentially) permitted to travel within Schengen, and not have their stay in the following countries aggregate up to the 90/180, but be treated as separate periods, with the time permitted under the existing bilateral agreements.

Countries that appear to have bilateral agreements include:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Norway
  • Sweden

In theory, this would permit an Australian passport holder to move relatively unrestricted around the Schengen zone for an almost infinite period.

For example, if I am permitted to be in Germany for 90/180, external to the Schengen treaty, I could, in theory, spend 90 days here, exit to Austria on the train, spend another 90/180, exit to The Netherlands by train, spend another 90/180, and then return to Germany, where my 180 days would have reset.

If you’re an Aussie, and have been traveling in Europe without any formal visa documentation, other than your passport, I’d love to hear from you. I’m attempting to plan out the balance of my time in Europe, and don’t want to fall foul with any officials. Getting a black mark on my passport would be highly undesirable.

Thanks in advance for your support


What’s a good European call & SMS forwarding service?

by @adrienbetweets 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi all

What do you guys use for receiving both sms & calls on a European phone number?

I’d like to have a phone number that does not change for at least 1 or 2 years.

I did my homework & found this thread but it’s only about US services so I don’t think it’s relevant: What’s a good US call and SMS forwarding service?
Also, I looked into Google Hangout but it doesn’t support European phone numbers.


San Pancho, Mexico for digital nomads?

in Mexico by @proghani 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Hey! Trying to learn more about digital nomad locations in Mexico. Anyone living in San Pancho (San Francisco), Mexico? Do you recommend it?


Where's a good place to live in Central America for digital nomads?

by @damian692 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

I am deep in the search from Mexico to Barbados, Cayman Islands to Columbia.

Anyone know of a hostel with good internet on the beach or a co-living house happening?

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