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How do you do B2B sales remotely?

by @allancaeg 9yr  | 0 comments

For businesses that involves B2B sales, how do you do it if youโ€™re in the other side of the world (e.g. youโ€™re in Thailand and your customers are enterprises in California)?

What are the top tips to thrive in this setup?

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Any attorneys working remotely?

by @rohitsn 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

Transactional Attorney with a focus on US Immigration. Burnt out doing the law firm thing. Trying to leverage skill to get on this digital nomad tip. Love the traveling experience, hostels, seeing new places, new cocktails etc etc.


What do you use to work together remotely?

by @artofwarbiz 5yr 5 years ago  | 6 comments

What do you use to work together remotely with your team?

I know Slack, Hipchat and Hall.

Which ones do you guys use and why?


What's the first step now that I can work remotely?

by @mariaplslourdes 5yr 5 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi everyone and nice to e-meet you!
finally, after so long I found a job that allows me to work remotely.
But now? Do you have any practical advice that I can use to approach this new world?
In particular, I have to put my tax situation in order, do you know a good tax advisor from whom I can ask for advice? (Iโ€™m Italian but I live in Franceโ€ฆI donโ€™t know how long it will beโ€ฆ) )
Beyond that, any advice is welcome.
Thank you!


Is there a US bank for easily creating new business checking accounts remotely?


by @tylertringas 6yr 6 years ago  | 23 comments

Every accountant is going to tell you that you really should be keeping separate accounts for all your businesses and even projects that may one day become businesses. But in my experience setting up a new account associated with an actual business entity is a pretty annoying process involving an in-person visit to a bank branch, proof of residence in that branchโ€™s region, etc. Has anybody seen a bank that letโ€™s you easily create a simple business checking account online and more importantly that would let you add additional accounts and transfer funds between them?


How to get bank statements remotely?

by @hoperto 7yr 7 years ago  | 12 comments


Me & my gf holding not very strong passports, so have to apply for a visas quite often.
Soon need to make a visa applications from the countries we have no ties with.
The problem is that by the moment of making an applications, a bank statements will be outdated and the banks we currently use donโ€™t send the paper statements internationally. That cause quite a lot of problems with visa applications. (the way i see it now is to open new account in each country, transfer funds to it and wait for 3 months)

Any suggestion on probably some fin tech banking startup where one can both open the account remotely (with using a local mailbox service i suppose) and get a paper statement delivered internationally?
Hope there is a solution to it :slight_smile:


What problems do you face while working remotely?๐Ÿค”

by @stvbutlr 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi all,

For those of you who work remotely, I think the community would love to hear about your problems โ€ฆ I know I would.

When working remotely what problems do you face with your day to day work and/or employer(s)? โ€ฆ Please list anything and everything that comes to mind!

  • Ideally, people who have overcome the problem(s) will weigh in with recommendations. :ok_hand:
  • With this information, people who wish to join the nomadic lifestyle can better prepare for the transition from โ€˜office jobโ€™ to โ€˜remote workโ€™. :airplane:๏ธ

Some topics that might trigger some inspiration for reply. :speech_balloon:

  • trust from employer
  • communication
  • project management
  • payment
  • timezones
  • culture/teamwork/colleagues
  • stress/anxiety




Any tips for video editors working remotely?

by @adrienbetweets 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

A friend based in Berlin (Germany) is interested in getting started as a video editor remote freelancer.
Is anyone already doing this?
Any specific tips for this field?


Virtual sales assistant recommendations?

by @jammingsloth 9yr 9 years ago  | 1 comment

Iโ€™m looking to hire probably an English fluent individual to help me with pricing and selling inventory. Does anyone have any experience with and recommendations for virtual assistants who can handle this work?


Do you hangout with backpackers, while still working remotely?

by @jtompl 9yr 9 years ago  | 14 comments

Iโ€™ve noticed that recently a lot of us tend to prefer the โ€˜slow-travelโ€™ rhythm, which is more about moving to a place for a month or two, and then living there, instead of changing your place every couple days.

However, what about those that still like the fast pace of travelling, with meeting lots of other travellers on the road? Are there any nomads here, that still like the backpackersโ€™ lifestyle? That is: you travel through a whole country by yourself; you change your place of living much more often; but you still have to work a bit digitally in the meantime?

If yes, then how do you hang out with backpackers and keep up with their pace, while still having to work remotely?

Related questions:

  • How do you choose which hostel (or place, area to go to in general) to stay in as a next one?
  • How do you maximize your way of meeting other travellers and your own travelling experience (by seeing other places, people and their cultures), while still having to work remotely in the meantime?

I like both digital nomads & backpackers, but so far, barely Iโ€™ve seen any digital nomads in the backpacker places or vice-versa. Iโ€™m wondering why? In the end, it would be a clear connection of Work & Travel at the same time, two things that a lot of us propably enjoy very much at this moment.


Which country in Central America is best to work remotely?

by @marss 9yr 9 years ago  | 5 comments

Hey nomads,

I have just started working fully nomad a few days ago.
My first place outside of Germany will be the Dominican Republic next week.
However, I am already going to need the next flight for after that.
My carrier told me that they will bounce me at the check-in otherwise.
Which country in CA do you recommend for the next stop?

I need very stable internet, as I work a lot over skype. It does not need to be fast however. Cheap, but tropcial and at the sea would be preferred!
I thought about Panama, but I read that the internet sucks and it is expensive there.



Does anybody work for an NGO, charity or social project remotely?

by @gpestana 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Whatโ€™s up there?
Is there anyone working for/running a social innovation project while on the road?



How can I keep a business license in California, while I work remotely?

in Cali , Colombia by @fuzzybabybunny 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

I used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I registered an LLC and the business address was the actual location of my office. I hung my business license in the location as well, as required.

The business does 100% of its business in the San Francisco Bay Area. Customers are there. My contractors are there. My business is focused there.

Well, the business hasnโ€™t changed but Iโ€™m able to work remotely from anywhere in the world.

  • I no longer have an office in the Bay Area, so no where to hang my business license. In the past inspectors have come into my office to check that my business license was there.
  • I donโ€™t have any physical location that I go back to in the US.
  • The only address I use is a mailing address for a mail-forwarding company that I use. I rent a locker from them and they consolidate all my mail and forward it to me where ever I may be in the world at that time. They have warehouse locations in Los Angeles, Reno, and Portland.

Considering my situation, how should I go about getting a business license in California?

  • LegalZoom says: โ€œCalifornia state law requires businesses to use a street address in California. PO Boxes are not allowed. If your business is run out of your home, you can use that address.โ€
  • I donโ€™t have a physical location, so thereโ€™s no where to hang my license when I apply for one from the city.
  • What would my business address be?
  • Should I apply for a business license in the city where the mail-forwarding company has the warehouse?
  • I also donโ€™t have a location/person to act as my process agent in case someone needs to serve me court papers.
  • Ideally, I want to do EVERYTHING out of my mailing address, but all it is is a locker in a massive warehouse managed by the mail-forwarding company.

Any product managers here working remotely?

by @sneha_magapu 9yr 9 years ago  | 7 comments

Hi guys,
I am Sneha from India and wish to begin a nomadic lifestyle soon. Want to know if there are any Product / Project Manager nomads here and your experiences working remote. I generally understand that most digital nomads are writers / coders / designers etc. I would love to know how you began freelancing / remote working as a project manager, good avenues to get work and any advice you would like to share with the newbies.



Can I use my laptop to call into conference calls remotely?

by @dave4peace 10yr 10 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi Nomads,
First, I am very appreciative of this Forum, have read a lot of very helpful feedback to questions to previous folks questions.

Currently, landing in Hong Kong in about 2 months with no true Nomad experience other than working remotely, as a US Citizen, from home to a US Bank here in the States. My normal workday is remaining constantly in meetings using a Conference software called โ€œLyncโ€ on my work machine. Usually, i can have Lync call my cell phone with no problem in the US, of course.

Can I do the same Lync Conference, as above, while working abroad, substituting my cell phone with a personal laptop with microphone wherever I work? (presuming: 1) good internet, 2) Skype/GoogleVoice, installed on personal laptop). Basically, my work laptop would be calling Skype on my personal laptop, right? Can this work, cheaply, for 40+ hours of calls per week? Does Skype have country limitations? How does this work in combination with Google Voice, any cheaper? I read GV only works only for certain countries (HK, China, Thailand are okay). Any folks here know what a 40 hour week costs, on average, having this type of setup (Skype and/or GV, or other combo)? All new to meโ€ฆ will just have to try it, and, let you know, if no one has done it here.

Thanks for any suggestions with this!!!


How do you handle working with clients remotely?

by @ld 10yr 10 years ago  | 16 comments

Hello, everyone!

We are confused at how living in another part of the world from your clients will work. We are from the USA, do software/dev stuff, and having almost daily client calls (or with whom youโ€™re contracting) at like 10pm if we were, say, in Italy doesnโ€™t seem like a very ideal lifestyle. But sourcing clients or contracting from another part of the world will most likely pay less.

If your career is client or contracting based - how do you handle this? Do you just handle your calls at midnight? Pay your high home taxes while making less with a foreign income (as we assume would happen to us)? Avoid calls?

Despite all the blogs I read about traveling and how to make it work, it seems this topic is hard to find solid, applicable responses, or answers seem to point to making travel itself your career focus. Start a blog, do our own independent work, diversify our income, etc are all kind of unnecessary when we make good money as is, we just canโ€™t see how to make that work abroad with a different time zone.

We want to remain focused on our careers and slowly travel, but doing this in a smart way seems illusive!

i appreciate your input!


How do you avoid RSI while working remotely?

by @julinhio 10yr 10 years ago  | 1 comment

Itโ€™s been a while that I work long hours in front of my computer, and even though I have a pretty descent chair at home, when Iโ€™m on the road, it is quite a worry to figure out how to handle my chair situation. Especially the last 2 years, it got worse and Iโ€™m almost scared to not be able to work enough because of my back problems. I just wanted to know if anybody has the same problem, if anybody has some magic tricks, tips or equipment.


How do you acquire clients remotely?

by @jasonmwomack 10yr 10 years ago  | 3 comments

At the current moment, I am interning at an Atlanta based I.T. consultancy firm. I am specializing in PHP and MySQL . The companyโ€™s primary clients are in the automotive and retail industry. We service these international e commerce clients end to end. My commitment to this company will end in 3 months . As an aspiring digital nomad ( PHP Dev/Back End ) , how would I aquire clients ? Do you use a specific site to find freelance work, hence upwork? What has worked for you to make the transition to location independent? How did you bring in revenue ? Any thoughts or suggestions for the near future ?


How do you deal with not getting paid when working remotely?

by @pixelfiesta 10yr 10 years ago  | 10 comments

I have had bitter experiences of not been paid for assignments when I have been remote. Its either not paid completely or pair partially or delayed payments. How do you tackle such issues?
Do you take advances? Do you use escrow? or other third-party payment collection agencies?

What payment related problems do you face in working remotely and how do you tackle them?


Can technical writers work remotely?

by @munly_leong 10yr 10 years ago  | 3 comments

Technical writer jobs seems few and far between and often ive wondered how people can sustain it as a career. I just applied for one that was open for remote workers but may not be the right product/company fit. Iโ€™ve also been a coder and a writer but never both at the same time lol.

If anyone is a technical writer, or has been one in the past Iโ€™m wondering if there are any aspects usually for the role that canโ€™t be done remotely, on-site interviews with developers or engineers for sensitive work?

At the same time, if anyone has experience getting technical writing work remotely, where have you found it?


What does "full time" really mean when working remotely?

by @kltellim 10yr 10 years ago  | 12 comments

This one is for those of you who have full-time remote jobs. I noticed @wanderingdev mentioned being an FTE for a US company, hoping she may be able to weigh in here.

I have a very nice remote programming job. Great team, and the whole teamโ€™s distributed. Iโ€™ve been working remotely for years now โ€“ but never as a developer. I used to do more writing-related jobs, where you get paid by the word, and hours donโ€™t matter.

As a coder, Iโ€™m suddenly paid by the hour. I am not a โ€œconsultantโ€ - but I still find it very confusing and troubling, and Iโ€™m trying to nail down some norms. Iโ€™m supposed to be โ€œfull timeโ€, which basically means 40 hours/week or so (43, but whoโ€™s counting).

I have a timer I use (nobody asked me to use it, and I donโ€™t share the time report with anyone). I used to stop the timer whenever I went to the kitchen for a moment or to help with the kid. Working like this, an 8-hour day quickly became a 13-hour day. Meaning, it took me 13-14 hours to get 8 hours of work done, and it was pretty terrible.

I decided to do a sanity check with a colleague whom I have good rapport with. Heโ€™s a senior dev whoโ€™s been with the company for years. He said that in an 8-hour day, he usually manages to get in about 4 hours of โ€œbillable timeโ€ โ€“ meaning, about half his time is spent actually working, and the other half is doing other things, which he says is important to stay creative/fresh and not burn out (I definitely see the sense in this).

He told me that when he used to be a consultant, he used to charge exactly per what he actually worked โ€“ but then he doubled his rates to make up for it. (I donโ€™t get a ton of money, Iโ€™m not a very experienced coder, and Iโ€™m not considered a consultant by any stretch of the imagination)

Soโ€ฆ I decided to cast a wider net here, just as a sanity/reality check. As remote programmers, how do you manage your time? What does an โ€œ8 hour workdayโ€ look like for you, in reality?

Do you have a timer? When you watch a YouTube video, do you stop your timer? Etc. etc.
When working at an office itโ€™s easy to get a fix for the norms - but working from home, you guys are what I have. :slight_smile: TIA.

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