Thanks Pieter,
Now I got the Forbes link about most nomads earning less than $500. Fine!
To the topic. When I said: EUR/USD100 concierge credit cards exist out there; the concierge option is not exclusive to cards in the 500 range. Iโm not a bank, I donโt offer this service; I genuinely asking your opinions.
I truly meant that, I donโt want to compete with the banks, I donโt want to offer this service, as I stated, the deal with the credit card concierge is, you in general pay less for the service, as on average more people pay for these cards and less are power users of the concierge service, when comparing you paying outright for whatever concierge service is, you literally get what you pay for.
Clarification: I ask it as a fellow travel and life hacker, not a prospective provider of service: what use cases you can envision a credit card concierge can help to make your life and work on the road better, easier to manage?
But please, be more creative and come up with better tasks than simply helping with booking an accommodation.
Back tot he very topic of most nomads earning less than $500 a month. Letโs be optimistic and say, they are actually earning $500. As I said, you can get a credit card concierge for about, or less than EUR/$100 a year, or EUR/$10 a month, that means a nomad earning $500 a month subscribing to this service for a monthly $10, still have $490 left and a possibly useful tool (a business tool, too) to help improving his business and life, possibly even helping to earn more than $500, first $750, the $1000, and so on. What help the credit card concierge can give?
So, basically this is exactly the type of question I wanted to ask here!