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How do you manage your time while freelancing and travelling?

by @ray 10yr  | 8 comments

Hi everyone,

Iโ€™m currently new to freelancing and Iโ€™m working on two projects at the moment. However, Iโ€™m not travelling yet as Iโ€™m still saving and building up a portfolio but at the moment I canโ€™t see how I could do this while travelling as it seems to take up all my time.

I know this is down to bad time management, but at the moment Iโ€™m spending about 12 hours a day working on clients websites. How do you current freelance web developers manage your freelancing work and have time to enjoy yourself while travelling?

Is there any tools or techniques that I can use to manage my time better?


I used to spend way too much time working, and I also messed around a lot during my work day. Although my work is dependent on an internet connection, Iโ€™ve found that going off line and doing as much as i can without a connection helps me to keep focused. Then I go back online and do what I need to do with the connection. Over time, Iโ€™ve begun to make a point of taking one full day, and now two fulls days off each week. I make sure that these days coincide with good weather.

@anon82020850 10yr

Oh, one more thing. I couple of months ago I started following a system similar to what John Sonmez describes in this video:

It has helped me a lot to get more done and procrastinate less. Have a look at it - maybe it can help you as well.

I actually work shorter hours now, but get much more done in any given week.

@ray 10yr

Just watched the video, Iโ€™m going to give it a go, as it looks like it would help a lot and use RescueTime to see where my hours are going.

Thanks to everyone who replied much appreciated!

@kathrynoh 10yr

I donโ€™t work in web development so canโ€™t help with number of projects etc.

Something like rescue time is good. I use a simple grid in Excel with days on one side and hours then fill that in. It helps identify how Iโ€™m using my time and how much is swallowed up with admin work or procrastination.

I think it might be helpful for you to identify what the actual problem is - eg. time management, taking on too much at once, scope creep on the projects or something else. Once you do that, you can work on steps to manage it.

@ray 10yr

No, this is my first time ever freelancing and is what I decided I would do while travelling, but I canโ€™t see how I could do this and travel when itโ€™s taking so much of my time.

How many projects is normal to take on at once and how many hours a day would you typically spend working on them each day when travelling?

@anon82020850 10yr

I donโ€™t think the amount of projects matter, it is more about the amount of hours. If you work full days (around 8 hours per day), that is completely manageable as it leaves you weekends to explore the area or travel to the next place.

This is of course assuming you tend to hand around longer in a place (~3 months) in order to have ample time to explore.

If you do take on multiple projects, I would recommend assigning different days to specific projects, allowing you to focus completely on one project at a time and not having to context switch multiple times per day.

Also I see a lot of people putting in long hours in coworking spaces spend half their day on Facebook, YouTube, Reddit etc. Get rid of that stuff and focus on getting your work done.

This is why I recommend using a product such as Rescue Time to make you aware of how you spend your time. Once you are aware of it you can make educated decisions on how to manage it better.

@kathrynoh 10yr

Are those hours normal or are you taking on extra work to get money together to travel? Also, is that a constant thing or is it more like work hard for a few weeks/months then have a break between projects?

@anon82020850 10yr

Wow man, I cannot see how you can maintain any sort of productivity by working that many hours. Can you perhaps explain why you are working those sort of hours?

Surely the quality of the work must sufferโ€ฆ?

I honestly would not want the burden of travelling - even if it is once every 3 to 6 months - while working that many hours. And even then, by putting that amount of hours how can you get time to discover the places you visit?

Others may give you a different take on how to handle this, but may suggestion would be to seriously cut down on the amount of hours. Take serious stock of what you are actually doing in those hours. Use a tool like Rescue Time ( for a few weeks to analyse where your time goes.

If you are putting in those hours to earn money, see whether you can get off of an hourly rate and work on a daily / weekly rate. Or better yet, on a results based rate, ie for the work you deliver.

I have been in IT for 20+ year, so I know all about those hours. It is not sustainable (with the extremely rare exceptions) and not worth it. You need to make a change before you burn out.

Thatโ€™s my 2 centsโ€ฆ

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What's the best thing to do with your phone/ your phone number when travelling?

in Poland by @davda1546 5yr 5 years ago  | 6 comments

Hey, hope everyone is well!

We're leaving in a month to go travelling. Our first destination is still to be confirmed, but will likely be Poland or Slovakia. We will be moving around every month or two to different destinations.

The question we have is: what do people do with phones/ phone numbers when hopping from country to country? Ideally we'd just like one number for the whole trip (even better, the number we already have) wherever we go, rather than getting new SIMs with different numbers.

This is just so it's easier to keep in contact with family/ clients/ etc.


How do you find people to meet whilst travelling?

by @davda1546 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

We are going travelling but we won't know anyone out there, what's your best advice for meeting people and socialising abroad? We've thought about the obvious things like Meetup etc, is there anything else you can suggest from your experience?


Can you recommend any great freelancing videos?

by @nikk 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

Hey Community, Did you ever come across any YouTube videos that sold the freelancing gig to you? That taught you how to freelance? Where to start? The good and bad points of freelancing? or just follow any YouTubers that specialise in freelancing (for inspiration)?

I'd be interested in learning more...

Thanks in advance.


Recommendations for a portable speaker system suitable for a DJ monitor while travelling? Preferring size over loudness

by @jackbarham 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™ve got myself a DDJ 400 DJ controller, and the compact size makes it ideal to throw into my suitcase while I go travelling next year.

It made me wonder if there was a decent portable speaker system thatโ€™s loud (and clear) enough for light bedroom DJing I could pack alongside the 400 to practice new tracks and record mixes.

I currently have a Bose Soundlink Mini II which was surprisingly good for the job. Although I feel itโ€™ll probably damage if I keep pumping at full pelt, and itโ€™s not quite loud enough for what I wanted but not far off at all.

I ordered a pair of iLoud Micro Monitors, and although seriously impressed with the sound quality, I ended up returning them for KRK Rokit 5 G3โ€™s as they were too heavy for permanent (Digital Nomad) travelling so thought Iโ€™d get some solid DJ speakers in the meantime.


How do you manage working in different time zones?

by @clusk 6yr 6 years ago  | 12 comments

For those constrained by their businessโ€™ time zone, how do you manage this?

My home office is in Los Angeles โ€“ though I could swing anything in Central/South America, Iโ€™m looking at going to Lisbon or Chiang Mai for a bit. Both of them are >=8hrs difference potentially wreaking havoc on the work + social life + sleep split. This is a common question for nomads but there doesnโ€™t seem to be a lot of posting on the site about it.

What do you guys think? Any Americans working in Asia or Europe that does it well? I could likely negotiate with my supervisor to work in Eastern standard if I was in Lisbon/Europe, which wouldnโ€™t be too much of a stretch. Noon 'til 8pm. A bit more manageable than Chiang Mai or Bali.


How do you manage your location independent business as a Nomad Entrepreneur?

by @vzablocky 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™d like to invite nomad entrepreneurs in this topic to discuss what are the challenges you face in filing taxes, insurance and banking complications, while travelling and running your business remotely.

Please share your thoughts! I would be happy to help!


Anybody with a software consultancy having issues finding clients while travelling?

by @raz 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

I recently started running a software consultancy in the UK that specialises in MVP development and onboarding/marketing strategies. I found it relatively easy to get leads by attending networking events (quite a lot here in Edinburgh).

I plan to start travelling soon, though. Has anybody tried to travel while running a software consultancy? Iโ€™m really curious to find out how you handled finding new clients while doing that. Letโ€™s say that if I go networking somewhere in Asia I wonโ€™t find clients willing to spend much on a project (and canโ€™t just pay my employees less because I canโ€™t find good paying projects).


How do you manage your money as a nomad?

by @visualista 7yr 7 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi, let me start by saying iโ€™m an idiot when it comes to these things. I know all the infos are out there and Iโ€™ve been reading posts here as well as googling lots of blogs to find answers but there are just so many details and personal aspects that it leaves me dizzy! Iโ€™m hoping for a kind soul to share his/her wisdom with me in simple words. Bear with me while I try to wrap my head around this:

I NEED: 1. to be able to get payed by international customers in Dollars and Euros mostly 2. A way to get to that money with a debit/credit card for online payments and ATMโ€™s in whatever local currency needed (thinking of heading to Bali next)

I AM: newly nomadic designer working with platforms like 99designs and upwork as well as some direct clients. I have swiss citizenship, but am no longer resident there, or anywhere else.

I HAVE: 1. A swiss bank account (UBS) with CHF and no credit card (for savings not to be touched). 2. A spanish bank account (Deutsche Bank) with EUR with a debit and credit card for backup money. 3. A Paypal Account.

The plan is to earn the money I need to live monthly and put it into a spending account and only touch the others (CHF/EUR) if I didnโ€™t make enough money.

So far Iโ€™ve come across these options:

  1. Paypal
    I already have a paypal account and It does some of what I want. Except Iโ€™d have to transfer my online money to my Euro Account to spend it with my spanish credit card. Which sounds like a lot of fees. Blog posts about nomad finances all seem to say paypal is an expensive option.

  2. Open Local Bank Accounts / Use Butcoins
    I would like the simplest solution possible. Opening new accounts for every country sounds like too much paperwork (which I hate with the intensity of 100 hell fires). Bitcoins? Iโ€™m already confused with all the real currencyโ€™s involved please donโ€™t bring in digital onesโ€ฆ

  3. Payoneer
    Biggest plus: It is integrated in the platforms I work with (99d & Upwork) so I can pay out my earnings really simple and supposedly cheap. They also give me a Mastercard to spend that money and multi-currency โ€œbank accountsโ€. But Iโ€™ve read really mixed reviews about it so I donโ€™t know what to think of it in the end.

  4. Revolut:
    Seems to be just what I need. You get a Mastercard and . It seems like they have really low fees, good exchange rates and no ATM extra-charges? I read some good reviews (except customer service which seems to be terrible with both Payoneer and Revolut). Customers can pay me directly with the multi-currency bank accounts but I would have to find the best way to bring my earnings from 99d and Upwork into here (I read about a guy that uses payoneer to send money to his Revolut? Is anyone using a similar setup?)

  5. Travel Credit Cards
    Iโ€™ve read about those who are suposed to have low fees and no ATM-charges, have not done any research yet.

So this is what my research brought up. Is there something I missed? Seems like getting to your money is harder than actually making it xD
Does anybody with a similar situation have personal experiences and clear suggestions on this topic?
I canโ€™t seem to make up my mind between payoneer and revolut. I also read about Transferwise bringing in their own credit card but could not find any infos from them? I would really appreciate your inputs because as mentioned I find this all quite overwhelming and would love an easy solution that involves the least amount of paperwork/effort (even is I loose a few cents here and there if not possible otherwise)

Thank you all!!


How do you manage receiving mail without a permanent address in the Philippines?

in Philippines by @kaizenpreneur 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hello all,

I have a mail management service in the UK which all my mail gets sent to. This works fine 90% of the time and most can be dealt with digitally.

The other 10%, I need the mail sent on to me, which they do offer as a service. However, where I struggle is giving them an address to send it to in the Philippines, namely Manila.

Iโ€™ve used DHL for really important stuff, like bank cards, but it would be nice to have an address where I can forward certain mail. Anyone been able to set something up like this in the Philippines? Would a virtual office allow me to receive mail?

Thanks in advance


How do you deal with getting data on your mobile while travelling?

by @nomads_and_drifters 8yr 8 years ago  | 15 comments

I wondered how everybody deals with getting data on their phone in each country they travel. Is there a way around it? It is always such a pain having to buy and activate sim cards everywhere. I have tried the company โ€œworldsimโ€ and had an international sim for a while, but they where terrible and ended up to be super expensive.


How do you manage noise when working in public space?

by @littleshiva 9yr 9 years ago  | 15 comments

Iโ€™m an introvert: people distract and exhaust me, and my ideal working environment would be an empty room and silence. Next best is what I have whenever Iโ€™m in my own environment: the space is never empty, but itโ€™s usually silent save for ambient noise. Working from public space involves dealing with noise levels that are, for me, entirely counterproductive. Right now Iโ€™m in a hotel lounge and was settling in to focus on a magazine layout job when all of a sudden they switched the music to something loud, upbeat and with lyrics. I put my earplugs in immediately, but I can still hear that crap, and my concentrationโ€™s shot. What do you all do to manage noise when working from public space, or what are your workarounds?

In my case right now, Iโ€™m here because I need several hours of electricity, not just the two hours max I could get at my off-grid location. My noise workaround is to come to town and recharge my laptop, then go back to the country to work, but for long amounts of time, thatโ€™s not an option for me (yet โ€” but Iโ€™m working on it).


Anyone doing social media management as a digital nomad?

by @swechris 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Iโ€™d love to hear some advice on how to get customers and making everything work smoothly and remotely.



What do you do as a freelancing nomad?


by @arman 9yr 9 years ago  | 22 comments

Freelancing Nomads, which category do you fall into?

  • I Build Stuff
  • I Design Stuff
  • I Blog About Stuff
  • I Consult about Stuff
  • Other (let me know!)

These are the five main groups i repeatedly see pop up for freelancing digital nomad so curious to see just how many people fall into each category.


How do you manage your laundry?

by @jeanbog 9yr 9 years ago  | 10 comments

Hello ! :slightly_smiling:

I am wondering how do you manage your laundry work flow.

I ask this question because since I investigate the minimalist way of life I only have 4 teeshirts.
So I changed my habits and I wash my teeshirt, my boxer and my socks while taking a shower (takes me 6 more minutes).

How about you ?
Are you reducing your laundry flow, like by wearing merinos wool clothes ?
Are you going to lavomatic one time a week because you have enough clothes for all the week ?
Are you going to lavomatic more often that once a week because you have only few clothes ?
Are you handwashing your clothers ? how and how often ?


Remote Jobs for Agile Product Managers/ Project Managers

by @msurocks99 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

I know its pretty easy for top quality developers to find a remote job and go nomad. I have did development and support kind of stuff for nearly 5 years and it seems this is not something I want to do for long term. So, looking for opportunities mostly into Product Management/ Project Management roles. I have some experience in this sector and I think I will be able to do good in this arena.

But I tried to search every remote job board, couldnโ€™t find any such. So, my question where is the recruiters hiring Remote Product Managers/ Project Managers or they are not up to in remote work for this kind of role.


Costa Rica or other suggestions in SA for a single woman travelling?

in Costa Rica by @ruthk 9yr 9 years ago  | 14 comments

Hi guys,
Iโ€™ve decided I want to take a break from my way of living and go nomad for a few months (at least). I do music so WiFi is not my main concern, all I need is good inspiration and nice people around me.

I am looking for a mid-cheap / safe place, preferably having a nice beach around. Iโ€™d also like to socialize with people from different cultures. Meet and make new friends.
I got sick from living in Europe/US, so Iโ€™d rather be far away from these continents.

My choices have come down do Costa Rica, but Iโ€™m reading some good stuff about Medellin, Mexico, Panama. Iโ€™ve spend quite some time in Asia traveling as well (I love Bali and Koh Lanta), but Iโ€™ve never been to South America, so Iโ€™d rather go in that direction.

What would you suggest?


Working as a Scrum project manager and being a nomad?

by @thesuedetiger 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Iโ€™m a scrum master/project manager for a 6 man dev team in the UK. We already work remotely (from our homes mainly) and my wife and I are now ready to take the next step by going nomad.

Most stories and feedback Iโ€™ve read on here are from devs and designers. Has anyone got any examples of successfully working as a project manager while working in different timezones etc? I can foresee a few challenges but it would be great to hear from anyone with experience of this?

Thanks you lovely people.

Paul Tunnicliffe


Any product managers here working remotely?

by @sneha_magapu 9yr 9 years ago  | 7 comments

Hi guys,
I am Sneha from India and wish to begin a nomadic lifestyle soon. Want to know if there are any Product / Project Manager nomads here and your experiences working remote. I generally understand that most digital nomads are writers / coders / designers etc. I would love to know how you began freelancing / remote working as a project manager, good avenues to get work and any advice you would like to share with the newbies.



Do you read paper magazines while you're travelling?

by @gaelm 10yr 10 years ago  | 6 comments

Iโ€™ve always thought that is important to balance a very digital lifestyle with some analogic source of informations, like magazines, books, newspapers, but in a nomadic lifestyle it could be difficult to find same media in every country. How do you feel about that? Do you read something specific and cross-crountry?


Are there management consultants working remotely here?

by @munly_leong 10yr 10 years ago  | 0 comments

Anyone doing the nomad thing as a true consultant in the sense of the word? as in you are billing based on the value of your advice/solution but not responsible for the actual implementation and day-to-day.

Iโ€™ve always silently snickered at those who think theyโ€™re IT consultants but are actually IT contractors on some 6 year govt boondoggle etc.

Iโ€™d argue that management consultants may have been the first actual digital nomads. Maybe? lol

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