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I'm Pete R., Running 2 startups, 2 blogs, freelancing, and creating travel videos, all on the road. AMA

by @peachananr 10yr  | 14 comments

Hey everyone,

Iโ€™m Pete Rojwongsuriya, a UI/UX specialized entrepreneur, currently running 2 startups, Travelistly and BucketListly, and working on clientโ€™s work at The Pete Design all from the road.

Iโ€™ve been traveling solo for a year and a half now and I often express my opinion about travel over at BucketListly Blog. I am also an amateur photographer (Photo Blog) and love creating travel videos. I recently came back from New Zealand and you can watch what I have experienced there on Vimeo.


@atu 10yr

@peachananr Thank you so much for doing this AMA.

How looks your typical day?

@peachananr 10yr

Hey Arthur,

No problem man. Glad I could help. :smile:

When Iโ€™m on the road, I usually begin working in the early morning with a nice cup of coffee and a breakfast somewhere near my hostel. I would work for a maximum 3 hours and I would go out in the afternoon and explore the town a little bit. At around 6, after dinner, I would come back to a hostel and work for a maximum 3 hours again. That way, I get a solid 6 hours of work each day.

I am always connected when I"m on the road so whenever my client wanted to chat, I would always be available where ever I am. I also work on Saturday and Sunday (to tell you the truth, I no longer keep track of days when Iโ€™m traveling) if I have no specific plan to compensate on days that I might need to be disconnected for a few days (climbing mountains or camping).

When it comes to those blocks of work time, I would switch between my client work and my startups depending on the priority. By switching between them, it allows me to step back from one project, go work on another and come back later with a fresh mind. Works every time when Iโ€™m out of ideas. :smile:

@agour 10yr

Hey Pete! Just watched some of your videos and really enjoyed them, great work! :smile:

It seems like youโ€™re traveling a lot, how difficult do you find it juggling the work/life balance whilst on the road often?

@peachananr 10yr

Thank you Paul. Glad you like them. :slight_smile: When I started freelancing, I was clueless as to how I would work while Iโ€™m traveling, but I wanted to continue to travel anyway so I decided to go to Japan for a couple of weeks just to see how I would handle it. As I was moving from one place to another, I started to work out a routine through trial and error that would allow me to work effectively and leave rooms for exploration. I ended up finding the sweet spot which was to work in the morning and evening, 3 hours each and I would go explore the city in the afternoon.

I would also work during downtimes (which happens a lot when you travel) and subtract the time out from my normal routine. One of the problem I anticipated was the access of Internet connection. I solved this by investing in a hotspot so that I can access Internet anywhere in Japan (well, except atop Mt Fuji, which I tried. :slight_smile: ) but that gives me the ability to be online all the time, which I found essential.

Other than time management and Internet connection, I had no difficulty working on the road. :smile:

For further reading, Iโ€™ve written a post on my work routine when traveling here.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

@codam 10yr

Hi Pete

Nice pics, vids, startups and blogs!
Youโ€™re fully creative!

Which kind of hotspot did you invested in?

Internet connectivity is one of my major issue while being on the road, specifically here in Brazil.


@peachananr 10yr

Thanks man! Glad you like the things I do. :slight_smile:

I didnโ€™t buy any dedicated hotspot. I usually figure out the best option by country. For example, I purposely chose Japan to be a test run for my work routine because the infrastructure there is more developed than most places in Asia and the competition is high so the price is low. If I remember correctly I could get an unlimited 3G for 3 USD a day (including the hotspot device) for Japan right here from Bangkok.

For places with bad connections, (New Zealand, surprisingly), I usually buy a sim card with the most coverage and with at least 3 GB of data (50 NZD!!) and then I used my phone as a hotspot instead. That way, I will have at least a connection to check on work wherever there is a phone signal.

I hope these helps.

@codam 10yr

Thanks for these info !

@levelsio 10yr

This AMA is now closed! Thanks Pete for answering the questions.

@youjindo 10yr

Hi Pete,

I visited your photo blog and dig your video on Vimeo. All your photos and videos are stunning!
Recently I am working on a documentary about digital nomads, and I would love to hear some tips on it.

  • How you deal with carrying on all of your filming equipment while you travel?
  • Any tips on choosing proper equipment for a journey?
  • Any tips on filming travelling?
@peachananr 10yr

Thank you Youjin! Glad you like the video and the photos! :slight_smile:

To answer your questions:

How you deal with carrying on all of your filming equipment while you travel?
I am a light traveler so anything unnecessary, I would just leave it at home. :wink: Thatโ€™s why I only have one pocket-sized camera, a Sony RX100 M1, in my pocket all the time. I also carry a small tripod around in my backpack just in case, but thatโ€™s all I have in terms for filming equipments. I have one extra battery, one extra SD card, a power bank, and thatโ€™s about it.

Any tips on choosing proper equipment for a journey?
I guess it depends on what kind of video you want to shoot and what is the purpose of it. For me, I would rather have a camera available at my disposal all the time, so that I can snap several little footages (usually from 5 to 10 seconds) for my video. I want to make a travel film for the purpose of helping myself memorize the whole experience a little better but I also want to live in the moment and enjoy the limited time I have with people I met, so the less equipments I have, the better.

Any tips on filming travelling?
First, I would watch several travel videos I found on Vimeo, asked myself what I like about them, what angles they shot on, what transition effect did they use, and why did it work etc. I simply observe and learn from the best.

Right before I embark on a journey that I like to film, I would pick a few songs that I think might go well with what I want to produce from either Free Music Archive or from The Music Bed, prepare a playlist and listen to them constantly throughout the trip. Think of it as a soundtrack of your travel. This helped me filter out songs that donโ€™t match well with the aesthetics of that country and leave me with the good ones.

I then continue to capture little moments that I think might go well with what I have in mind, in different angles and varying durations (usually 5 - 10 seconds).

I hope this helps! :smile:

@amy 10yr

Hi Pete :slight_smile: Love your travel photography!

What type of camera and equipment do you have and carry on your travels? What photo processing apps/tools do you use?
Oh and since Iโ€™m in dire need of a new travel backpack, how and what do you travel with?

@peachananr 10yr

Thanks Amy! Glad you like the photos. :slight_smile:

I only have one camera, a Sony RX100 M1. Very compact yet extremely durable (I dropped like 10 times now), and surprisingly handled weather pretty well (I shot a few footages in a snowstorm once and it all came out ok). The quality is beyond my expectation for a pocket-sized camera and I wouldnโ€™t trade it for anything. I also carry around a cheap, light tripod for when I wanna shoot the milky way. :blush: One caveat is you can not change lens so it could be quite limiting for professional photographer. I just despise carrying all the lens, bodies and tripods up mountains and realize I barely used it.

I post-process all my photos using Lightroom.

For a backpack, I carry 2. A big 65L Karrimor backpack for all my clothes, sleeping bag, shoes etc. For a day pack, I had to choose carefully because it will be with me most of the time so I decided to go with the Herschel Little America backpack. Very durable, yet extremely stylish . It has a laptop compartment, a phone holder and enough space to put all my snacks, 2 jackets, a book, a tripod, a laptop and everything I need in a day.

@levelsio 10yr

Hi Pete! Thanks for doing this AMA :smile:

How do you feel being in different places than your home country directly influence what you make? Do you get inspiration from
places that turns into ideas and then features for your products?

@peachananr 10yr

Oh totally! I make it so traveling is a big part of my work routine. It is what gets my creative juice running. The whole process of traveling actually contributes a lot of what I do. I try my best to get at least one thing out of it from each of my trip. Most of the time though, the inspiration didnโ€™t come directly from a place but from the people I spent my time with. Traveling solo allows me to meet so many different people from all walks of life, and that dynamic is what made it so valuable for me as a creative.

For example, the lesson I learned from planning several trips contributes directly to what feature I add on Travelistly. The categorization of content by location came when I was planning my trip to China and I was unable to find any english blog posts about the place I wanted to go.

Mingling with other travelers also helped me understand how people travel, how they share their experience and how they interact with technology which contributes a lot to the user experience decision I made for BucketListly. Itโ€™s like observing your future customers.

The tremendous knowledge I learned from traveling, I also channel that into my blog sharing my experience, my observation and my opinion. It is always hard to come up with an idea for a blog post when Iโ€™m always at home not experiencing anything new, but when Iโ€™m traveling, I never have to force that. The idea just comes to me naturally.

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Where to recyle in Panama?

in Panama by @karlamoura 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m in a small town on the coast of Panama, and I was told that here they donโ€™t separate the organic from the reciclable residues. Have you been anywhere in Panama? Have you recycled?


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Yearโ€™s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I havenโ€™t had any entry issues to any of the several countries Iโ€™ve visited after, but now Iโ€™m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry wonโ€™t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as Iโ€™ve never traveled there before, donโ€™t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


Is there a US bank for easily creating new business checking accounts remotely?


by @tylertringas 6yr 6 years ago  | 23 comments

Every accountant is going to tell you that you really should be keeping separate accounts for all your businesses and even projects that may one day become businesses. But in my experience setting up a new account associated with an actual business entity is a pretty annoying process involving an in-person visit to a bank branch, proof of residence in that branchโ€™s region, etc. Has anybody seen a bank that letโ€™s you easily create a simple business checking account online and more importantly that would let you add additional accounts and transfer funds between them?


Suggestions for home base for 10 months in Mexico or Panama next year?

in Mexico by @we_are_escaping 6yr 6 years ago  | 14 comments

Weโ€™re researching places to use as a home base next year, and are leaning towards Mexico or Panama for 10 months (with 1 week โ€œvacationsโ€ to explore surrounding countries)

But, I want to settle some place where the infrastructure is good enough for fast, reliable internet - fast enough to run live webinars without worrying that Iโ€™ll be S.O.L due to internet issues when itโ€™s time to go live.

And ideally, Iโ€™d like to be on the coastโ€ฆ I like to have ocean/beach access without the need for a drive.

And not in a malaria zone (just saying, since Panama in particular has many areas that Iโ€™d rule out simply due to the need for malaria prevention meds)โ€ฆ itโ€™s one thing to take that stuff for a few weeks long trip, but I donโ€™t want to take it for months on end.


Thanks for reading all :slight_smile:


How to find a short-term (2-3 weeks) in Koลกice?

in Kosice , Slovakia by @adamnowek 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi nomads! Iโ€™m planning to head to Koลกice in May for a few weeks, both to work and to watch some hockey (the World Championships are being co-hosted in the city). Weโ€™ve tried looking into places to stay the usual ways (Airbnb,, et al) but it looks like the city is completely sold out during the dates of the hockey tournament.

Does anyone know of any other resources for finding a place in Koลกice? Or does anyone happen to have an apartment to rent out if they want to avoid the onslaught of thousands of hockey fans? :stuck_out_tongue:


Which coworking spaces are open 24/7?

by @yako 7yr 7 years ago  | 13 comments

Does anyone know of any coworking space open 24hs somewhere around the world? Sometimes because of my line of work I need to be awake when everyone is sleeping on the country I am in (but I know I am not the only one!). It would be amazing to share that time at a coworking space with others who like to work at night or who have to be awake. Does anyone know of any coworking space open 24hs somewhere in the world?


Anyone gone through the MM2H (Malaysia My 2nd Home) process?

in Malaysia by @mmorris 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

We are looking to get the ball rolling and are wondering if anyone else has done it.

We are looking for an agent and are also wondering how far in you can open a Malaysian bank account.

If you know someone who was helpful, let me know!



I'm looking for a European city with a great connection to the outdoors. Help?


by @justinbosco 8yr 8 years ago  | 23 comments

Iโ€™m in the middle of doing some research for our next destination within Europe and Iโ€™m hoping to get some suggestions from some outdoor enthusiasts whoโ€™ve spent time on the continent.

My favorite cities are Innsbruck, Austria and Bergen, Norway because you can be downtown having a beer one minute and thenโ€ฆ boomโ€ฆ up the mountain in the middle of nowhere 15 minutes later. Iโ€™m looking for a similar place to spend a month or two this winter. Places like these are hard to find because โ€œmid-size european cities with great hiking nearbyโ€ doesnโ€™t return too many relevant results on Google. Great adventure towns are usually in the middle of nowhere, the kind of places youโ€™ll need to rent a car to get to the grocery store, and places with good public transportation are usually concrete jungles. But places like Innsbruck and Bergen manage to combine the best of both worlds.

Has anyone come across similar places theyโ€™d recommend?


Medellin, Bogota or Panama? Any recommendations?

in Medellรญn , Colombia by @xdrewx 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

Medellin, Bogota or Panama? Any recommendations on a 6 month stay with the intent of learning spanish and running an ecommerce business(good wifi)?

Where is a good place to learn Spanish? I am coming in with an intermediate level of Spanish.

Where is the internet quality good enough?

Many thanks!


I'm beginning my Nomadic journey - what advice do you have?

by @jacob_tr 8yr 8 years ago  | 8 comments

Hello Everyone,

On January 8, I set off on my Nomadic Journeys. I have a one way ticket to Iceland booked for a film shoot, and a flight into mainland Europe on the 20th, and from there I have no idea, and I am completely on my own.

What advice do you have? Right now I am feeling everything, from bad to good about it all, really can feel that safety/wool from underneath me get pulled away, I know Iโ€™m jumping out of my shell here.

(To give some background, Iโ€™m starting my nomad journey after having started a successful business, so financially I am set. Itโ€™s the question personally, mentally how do you cope in the beginning of leaving everything and going?)


Is anyone using Charles Schwab vs N26 banks?

by @mary_oleksiuk 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi nomads! Iโ€™m trying to figure out all props and cons of using Charles Schwab vs N26 banks. Is anyone using those banks? If yea - what you like/dont like about it. And if income is mostly in US which one is better to open?



How to receive an SMS while I'm anywhere in the world?


by @bluedognz 8yr 8 years ago  | 21 comments

Hi Nomads

Any suggestions how I can receive sms messages to iPhone while Iโ€™m anywhere in the world? I have an Australian Telstra phone, but I also have another one out of contract which I could put on a global sim?

Calls are not really a problem, with Skype, Zoom, Google Voice etc taking care of that but Iโ€™m not sure how Iโ€™m going to get smsโ€™s. Especially for banking purposes, reseting passwords etc.

First post here, we are about to embark on a global house sitting / time share journey! Starting with 3 weeks in Bali, then 10 weeks in the Caribean, followed by 3 months in Europe. :smile:

Clark and Tegan


Celebration of New Year's eve 2017 in Europe?

by @mary_oleksiuk 8yr 8 years ago  | 1 comment

New Year 2017 is coming :slight_smile: Iโ€™m wondering where digital nomads going to celebrate it? And whats special plan do you have?
Iโ€™m still at phase of planning for New Year and cant decide a place in Europe where to go :smiley: Italy, Spain, Portugal?


June 2017: Prague or Budapest?

in Prague , Czechia by @joshua 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi guys!

Iโ€™m currently in Vietnam, then heading back to Portland, Oregon for a couple months.

Itโ€™s been awhile since Iโ€™ve been to Europe, and Iโ€™ve never been to Eastern Europe.

For those who have spent time in both Prague and Budapest, is there a city you prefer over the other? I realize theyโ€™re relatively close, and I can always take weekend trips to the city that I donโ€™t choose to stay in.

Thinking I will be there for at least a month. Will be working, but Iโ€™ll also take some time off. Prefer walkability. Decent internet.

Any input or opinions on this would be great! Thanks.


Would you like a coworking & coliving space in Panama?

in Panama by @oricoh 8yr 8 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi everybody,
We are at the beginning of a very interesting journey to eventually establish work spaces and accommodation in Panama.
But before we start, weโ€™d love to figure out how Panama is perceived by you, US time zone and currency are any advantages ? Would you prefer more urbanic or beachfront locations ?
All feedback will be highly appreciated.
Cheers =)


Help: Canada Taxman (CRA) Coming After Digital Nomad Who Has Not Lived in Canada since 2011. Advice or Recommendations?

in Canada by @bestscifireads 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Hey guys.

Iโ€™m in the unfortunate situation (and true Digital Nomadโ€™s worst nightmare) where the Canadian tax man (i.e. the CRA) has decided to come calling. And calling hard.

Any recommendations for Canadian Tax Accounts / Tax Lawyers specializing digital nomads / expats / non residents?

Hereโ€™s the deal:

Iโ€™m a digital nomad living in Thailand who has NOT lived in canada since the middle of 2011, and in that time, only been back to canada three times for a brief visit (with a total period between all those years of less than 90 days out of the 5 years).

I make an online income (affiliates, adsense, and such) of which all if it does not derive from Canada. And as stated, I donโ€™t live there anymore and havenโ€™t in many years. I donโ€™t own houses, cars, or anything (I do have a personal bank account though and a DL โ€“ you need those to function mostly). Iโ€™ve only used Canada as my bank account, from which I would send money abroad to live while outside of Canada, which was the entire period of time.

Anyways, the taxman back in Canada doesnโ€™t know this (that Iโ€™m a non resident) and of course has now come to collect. I had income tax demands sent to an address (parentsโ€™) stating I owe a very high five figure balance in income tax and owe it right away.

The whole digital nomad thing has just come to life the past years and when I left Canada in 2011/2010, no one new much about making money online, how to pay taxes when you donโ€™t live in your home country, etc. I was doing this earlier than most (from this forum, I gather itโ€™s common now).

I assume Iโ€™ll probably need a Canadian tax accountant and mayhaps a tax lawyer versed inโ€ฆwellโ€ฆdigital nomads. Iโ€™m going to call the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) and try to explain that I donโ€™t live there and havenโ€™t (and I can prove it), but yea. It may take more than that.

At this point, Iโ€™ve been looking how to properly structure my affairs (creating an Estonian Corp, creating an Thailand corporation) to properly handle how I should structure things in the future, but in the meantimeโ€ฆ

Advice or a recommendation for a specific tax specialist (iโ€™m from BC, Canada if that helps) would be awesome.



Data sims for Jamaica and Bahamas?

in Jamaica by @joncottonuk 8yr 8 years ago  | 8 comments

Hi all

Looking to spend a couple of weeks in Jamaica and the Bahamas - Can anyone recommend the best value data sims for either or both countries. Not bothered about calls as will be using Skype.

Thanks - Jon


Serious: Who else here is under 20?

by @jacob_tr 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

So going through a bit of a isolation crisis with age here, haha.

Who out there / here is 18-20?

I feel like Iโ€™ve jumped on the train too young, because Iโ€™m struggling to meet similar aged Entrepreneurs/Nomads - Iโ€™ve met a lot in their early/mid/late 20s and onwards, but there is this level of disconnection I feel with older ones, Iโ€™ve come to think that those in their 20s and beyond tend to see 18 year olds like a young version of themselves, thus belittling (unintentionally or intentionally)

This is just my beacon to all young Nomads, if your reading this! Message me, or leave a comment! Would be nice to speak with other young nomads. :slight_smile:


2 Weeks in Asia - Where to go?

by @jacob_tr 9yr 9 years ago  | 9 comments


Iโ€™m going to Asia in November, from the 15-30th. My first stop is the Phillipines, I have an office there and am meeting with my team for the first time (never been or seen them, weโ€™ve worked together on the internet), I donโ€™t want to spend too much in Manila, maybe 2-5 days - so I was thinking of heading to Palawan for 5 days, but then venturing out of the Phillipines and going to Laos or Cambodia or Thailand (still undecided). And then ending the trip with a few days of refreshment in Bali or may skip Bali if it makes the trip to crammed.

Iโ€™ve been to Thailand (10 years ago when I was 8, so you can probably write it off as a never been) Iโ€™ve also been to Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, KL, Bali, Japan. - so want to avoid those areas (excluding Thailand) - but I think 2 weeks is really limited.

Things I love are beautiful waterfalls, turquoise beaches/reefs, exploring incredible places โ€“ I donโ€™t want to be bored lazing by the beach all day for days. I was in Kuala Lumpur for 5 days a couple of weeks ago and found myself bored by the 3rd day, so I think I like to move often.

What do you think I should do to get the best out of this? Iโ€™m going with my best friend and meeting one of my employees/friend from Venezuela whose coming from a 40 hour journey so I want to make this trip the best for all of us.

This is my first proper trip to Asia / taste of digital nomadism, so I want to make it great :slight_smile:


Anyone know of a room to rent in London from 24/09?

in London , United Kingdom by @zosiaswidlicka 9yr 9 years ago  | 0 comments

Hello, my boyfriend and I are looking for a room or flat to rent in London for a month starting 24th September. South East would be ideal but weโ€™re not too picky. AirBnB results are a bit uninspiring/pricey and Spare Room is full of rubbish so if any nomads are looking to fill their room weโ€™ll gladly sublet off you! Not looking to spend more than ยฃ900/month tops. Thanks!

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by @levelsio
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