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Tax: what are the best options for a nomadic Dutch freelancer?

by @maarten 8yr  | 11 comments

Originally, I am from the Netherlands. Since january 2016, I have been working remotely all around the world. But even though I havenโ€™t been in the Netherlands this year, I am still paying taxes there. Iโ€™m still registered as a citizen.

I have to unregister in the Netherlands as a citizen. But if I donโ€™t register somewhere else, or have a freelance status or company somewhere else, I would still have to pay 50%+ taxes. This is, of course, not fun at all.

So I decided to move my business elsewhere. Either get freelancer status in another country, or create a business there to send invoices from. Which brings me to my question:

What is the best country tax-wise for a Dutch freelancer?

As of now, I found two solutions:

  • Have an agency set up a company in Bulgaria. It will kost 3000 euro a year, once 3300 euros and extra money if I want residency. And then of course 10% income tax on my earnings.
  • Have an agency set up a company in Dubai. It will cost around 2000 euro annually and 5000 euro once. No income tax.

Wether residency in an other country is required for the Dutch tax authority to not tax your world income, seems to be a grey area. However, if I unregister in Holland and send invoices from a company in a whole other country, it should be fine.

I have little or no experience. People with know-how: would you be so kind to comment on these options?

Are there alternatives I should consider?

I donโ€™t really like to hire an agency. Iโ€™d rather just fly to a country, fill out paperwork, incorporate there and from then on invoice from that company. If itโ€™s too bureaucratic, I wouldnโ€™t mind hiring a local lawyer or accountant to do it for me.

Do you know a country where there is no or a low income tax and this process is relatively easy and suitable for Dutch freelancers?


Professional advice is key here, but Iโ€™ll give you my thoughts on what you should do. Setup an offshore entity that you use to run your business. Which โ€œoffshoreโ€ jurisdiction is up to you - the topic has been discussed at length in other threads on this site, so Iโ€™d rather not โ€œflog a dead horseโ€. This entity can be the center of your professional universe. It receives payment for services rendered.

When you do find somewhere that you wish to establish residency in, setup an onshore entity in your new country. This can be what pays you (and it in turn invoices your offshore entity). Thereโ€™s a few other things to consider here, such as transfer pricing, but overall this is a fairly simple structure.

If you ever get sick of the place then you can dump your onshore entity and move on. Your offshore entity continues to function and receive payments.

Hope that helps.

@ifdattic 8yr

Something that no one mentioned, but in my opinion should be thought off, and researched before making a decision is โ€œhealth insuranceโ€. @levelsio mentions on this topic that he pays NL taxes, because if for example he gets cancer the treatment would be paid by the government. I think you would want to avoid situations like with USA where you spend a couple of days in the hospital for some generic checkup, and get an invoice you would be paying for your whole life. I would suggest to research what securities you would receive to the country you will be moving to, or of any alternatives for those situations.

@maarten 8yr

@ifdattic I have private insurance ready to go. Thereโ€™s a Dutch private insurer which caters to Dutchies outside the border. Their coverage is very similar to the Dutch health care system, only pre-existing conditions are excluded.

@nouk 8yr

Since you are a dutch if you have a BV and decide to be non dutch resident, they will withdraw 15% from your dividends and give you back 60% of it, if you live in a EU country after 1 year. I live in France and this is how it works for me. For sure, i also pay french income tax.

I am surprised you talk about Bulgaria. In Bulgaria, the invoices have to be in Bulgarian and in BGN, so i hope you donโ€™t have many of them otherwise, it costs significant amount of money for accounting services. For instance, if you have micropayments and stuff like that.

Why donโ€™t you consider to incorporate in Ireland? Everything is in English. If you decide to live in a EU country or in a country where there is a tax treaty with ireland, you pay 12,5% of corporate tax and nothing on dividends. Then, you can live in bulgaria where the income tax is 10% but not costa rica because costa rica has no tax treaty with Ireland and Ireland would withdraw 20% of withholding tax if you would live in Panama or Costa Rica.

Nevertheless, in all cases, you have to move your websites from where you sell from netherlands to the place where your company is incorporated to be sure that the Belastibgdiesnt will not come to you and ask you for paying taxes saying you have a permanent establishment in the Nethertax because of web server.

@pim1987 8yr

I agree with nouk that Bulgarian accounting can be a hassle.
A friend of mine has recently gotten residency in Bulgaria and incorporated there and he told me has to file monthly tax statements and invoices also have to contain the amount in BGN.

If you get residency somewhere itโ€™s also important to establish some substance in that country so that it can be seen as the center of your life: spent some time, rent an apartment, get a phone subscription.
I was also advised to sell my house in the netherlands or permanently rent it. Get rid of your NL insurances, phone subscription.

For Panama the cost are 6000 usd to deposit in a local bank account for the friendly nations visa (still yours to show you have money. For the incorporating and assistance with the friendly nations visa around 5000$.
It will require multiple trips to Panama: first to open a bank account, second to get your temporarily visa and a few months later your permanent visa.
Iโ€™m still waiting for my permanent residency, after that you can also get your local cedula issued which is your local ID card.

For the police report you can request a โ€˜Verklaring Omtrent Gedragโ€™ for the purpose of emigration. They will issue this within a few days.

Iโ€™m not familiar with Ireland but I canโ€™t imagine it to be any easier or cheaper then a local company in Bulgaria if you have residency there and have that as your base of operation. You would probably have to register the Irish company in Bulgaria as well if that is your where you want to be liable for taxes. Not sure about this though.

Unless you maybe own physical servers somewhere in a datacenter having a website hosted in The Netherlands will not be much of an issue. Most important is: where you work and where you live.

For most digital nomads this will somewhat remain a grey area because of the moving around. Therefore just make sure you have most substance in the country of your residency. My friend who moved to Bulgaria told me about staying >6 months for the year to make sure he was a tax resident there.

@nouk 8yr

About Bulgarian bookkeeping requirements, i have asked a chartered accountant in Bulgaria and she told me that since i issued invoices in english & in Euro, a copy should be issued in Bulgaria & in BGN. I forgot to say that the invoices have to be kept in Bulgaria. In other words, you have to fully hand your accounting to a Bulgarian accounting company.

The real tax rate in Estonia on distributed profit is 25%

I understand some people here are paid by Estonia or work for registered agents in Estonia and broadcast their propaganda. They want to fish rich western European people. But the French, Dutch, British, German people are not stupid, unfortunately for them.

@pim1987 8yr

I checked and the โ€˜Verklaring omtrent Gedragโ€™ can be done remotely after you unregister:

Incorporating in Panama is very easy and can be done remotely and will take 1-2 days after submitting documents to your agent.

Getting a (corporate) bank account is another story and involves some paperwork and can take weeks. Personal and corporate bank accounts both need to be opened in person. So plan for multiple visits to panama if you go for panama residency.

another thing to consider:

I dont know how your business is currently structured and your turnover but something to consider is that if you want to bank in Panama and (do a lot of transactions) is the wire transfer costs compared to Bulgaria which has Iban.

@maarten 8yr

Thank you Pim, that sounds pretty interesting. If I can get the โ€œverklaring van goed gedragโ€ semi-remotely, maybe Panama is a good option. How long did it take for you to incorporate there?

@pim1987 8yr

Hi Maarten,

Iโ€™m dutch myself and have been in your situation. You should definitely unregister yourself as soon as possible if you dont live in NL. Are you incorporated in a B.V.?

I recommend you consult with a dutch tax professional and dont take anyoneโ€™s advice for granted (including mine).

I donโ€™t see any value in the e-residency or incorporating in Estonia in your situation offered here.
E-residency is just a card and has nothing to do with residency and Estonian taxes are not the lowest so no reason at all to incorporate there unless you have regional ties.

If you want an EU company Bulgaria incorporation is a better option: 5% dividend tax and I believe no minimum salary for the director like in the Netherlands (youโ€™ll have to check). You should only pay a couple of hunderd euro max for everything including residency. 3000 euro is not a normal price at all.

If you unregister and live outside the Netherlands you should not be liable for taxes in the netherlands unless itโ€™s from property you own or a you generate local profits from a bar or something. For taxation purposes the place where you do business matters(โ€˜plaats van feitelijke leidingโ€™ in dutch).
However if you just unregister and come live again and register again in the netherlands within a short time(grey area, some say 10 year years to be safe) the tax man can argue that you never intended to really leave the netherlands and are liable for the taxes for the whole period.

About residency:

I have chosen to get residency in Panama because:
Itโ€™s easy to get permanent residency(friendly nations visa) ,has a territorial tax system (tax haven) and annual company fees are low and I only have to visit once every year to remain resident. On top of that a panama foundation offers optimal asset protection.
However banking can be a hassle and panamian banks are not known for their customer service.

I did not go for UAE because of the yearly costs, the residency requirements( 1 visit every 180 days) ,they dont issue permanent residency only 2 year extensions. However, banking deposits are guaranteed by the state and the country still is in good standing with the OECD as compared and not classified as a tax haven. I was quoted around 15k euro for the UAE residency(including company) by a few companies.

There are of course many other options for other low tax and zero tax countries but these Iโ€™ve done some research into personally.

For incorporating in UAE there is also difference between emirates for example: Ajman has no reporting requirements.


@maarten 8yr

Hi Pim,

Thanks for your reply.
A tax lawyer told me that if you pay taxes somewhere, even if itโ€™s very little, the Dutch taxman is more likely to leave you alone in case of a return. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m considering Bulgaria.
Due to some very helpful fellow nomads, I am in contact with two accounting firms who offer around 600 euros start-up cost and then a monthly fee of about 100-150. Iโ€™m still looking at other options, but this seems the safest one thus far. (although you are never sure in these matters)
Iโ€™m very glad you responded and I hope other Dutch nationals do as well, so I can get an idea of whatโ€™s the right approach.
Maybe Panama can be good as well, but I found online it takes a background check from your country of originโ€™s police force. Did you have to submit this too? And what were the costs you were looking at for the whole process?


Hi Maarten,

Another solution for your freelance company is Estonia. It has 20% tax on dividends but maintenance costs are very reasonable 600-1200 euros per year if you use a service like LeapIN (disclaimer, I work for LeapIN). We have Digital Nomads from over 60 countries and Iโ€™m sure our people can help you with the setup and tax related questions.

The setup costs are about 100 euros for the e-Residency (which I suggest you apply for asap) and then 190 euros for state fee for company registration. After that, LeapIN has packages from 50-100 euros/month depending on the type of business you are running and we provide a turn-key service on everything from accounting, legal compliances and taxes. You currently need to come to Estonia for opening up a bank account, but from January it should not be necessary anymore and everything can be done remotely.

I hope that helps and sorry for that promotion of one company :slight_smile:


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What features would you like to see on Nomad List?

by @levelsio 4yr 4 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi everyone,

I would love to hear what you'd like me to build next on Nomad List, or any other product/feature feedback ideas you have.

It's been 6+ years now but I'm in this for the long term and with the boost remote work got last year it's even more exciting to work on Nomad List than ever.

Current roadmap is here: and

The next products/features I have planned:

- ๐Ÿ›‚ Rebase: visa, residency and immigration services for remote workers

- ๐ŸŽ“Courses: learn the steps how to go remote and travel/relocate

- ๐Ÿ› Gov liaison: diplomacy services to the governments to help us lobby for nomads and for them to attract remote workers

Thanks a lot!


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List of Visa/Residency Information in Table/Spreadsheet format?

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Any nomads in Arizona, US?

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Hi guys,

After the Netherlands, the Bay Area, Colorado and being on the van life for 8 months, I am now in Sedona, AZ with a few other digital nomads. We are sharing a home here and are wondering if there are more like minded people in the area.

We do a bunch of hikes and campouts in the northern of Arizona. If you would like to connect with us, please do so :)



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Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of?

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Hi everybody. I live and work in Germany and want to go to Canary Islands for 6 months to work from there. I'm going to keep my current job, just change the "home" in the home office part of things. Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of? I was reading about becoming a residence after 183 days, thus having to pay taxes there plus my employer having to register there. Does anybody know how it works exactly? Thanks a lot!


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What investment options are open to e-resident?

by @64tankman 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

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I'm beginning my Nomadic journey - what advice do you have?

by @jacob_tr 8yr 8 years ago  | 8 comments

Hello Everyone,

On January 8, I set off on my Nomadic Journeys. I have a one way ticket to Iceland booked for a film shoot, and a flight into mainland Europe on the 20th, and from there I have no idea, and I am completely on my own.

What advice do you have? Right now I am feeling everything, from bad to good about it all, really can feel that safety/wool from underneath me get pulled away, I know Iโ€™m jumping out of my shell here.

(To give some background, Iโ€™m starting my nomad journey after having started a successful business, so financially I am set. Itโ€™s the question personally, mentally how do you cope in the beginning of leaving everything and going?)


Any nomadic electronic music producers?

by @bavals 8yr 8 years ago  | 12 comments

I am curious if anyone here is traveling while also working on their electronic music productions. I know there are a few โ€œrealโ€ musicians here (respek!), but I am even more interested in finding my digital brethren.

If youโ€™re out there, how do you manage to do it? Granted, it has become a lot more feasible in the past 5 years or so, but not entirely problem-free.

Do you have a more comprehensive set up at your home base that complements your mobile studio or are you 100% mobile? Do you have a MIDI controller in your backpack/suitcase at all times? What about the monitors? While weโ€™re on the topic, would you maybe care to share your setup (DAW, interfaces, controllers, peripherals)?

Hereโ€™s my situation right now: MacBook Pro with Ableton Live, AKG headphones, a simple/tiny m-audio MIDI controller, an Apogee MiC for recording samples & voice. So far, nothing for the digital interface (apart from the built-in one) or monitors.


Best ship-to-them storage options any use here?

by @rumpusparable 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments


While I donโ€™t know when Iโ€™ll be settling down, I do see it eventually happening at some point if for no other reason for regular health care with age/problems.

So, when I chose to go nomad I got rid of everything except those special letters and trinkets Iโ€™d kept from growing up and past traveling that I wanted for my someday settled-home.

One of my Family memberโ€™s attic turn that initial set of items but I donโ€™t want to use his & his wifeโ€™s attic indefinitely over years/decade/whenevertheymove/etc. and/or be stuck out when any of the above happen before I open that little house or condo somewhere I think best.

So, do any of you use remote storage locations that are meant to receive shipments into for those on the road?

I come from and my main health care options are based in the US, so that would be ideal for me, but Iโ€™ll take whatever place seems best when it comes to the safety of the few things I put away.



What options are available for a pension plan for remote EU citizens, not registered as freelancers?

by @akisl 9yr 9 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi people,

Iโ€™m Greek, Iโ€™m now transitioning to fully remote. I think I have solved the first part: Creating a remote legal entity, a business bank account and having health insurance but I donโ€™t know how to solve the pension issue.

As an EU citizen, either your employer contributes X% of your gross salary to the national/private pension funds, or if you are a freelancer you pay the equivalent to the freelancer pension fund of your country, which in many cases is also attached to the national insurance fund.

So as a fully remote person, not registered as an employee or freelancer in any EU country, only having an EU company for invoicing and money transfers, where and how do you contribute to a pension fund for you? And what fund would that be?

Iโ€™m talking about a core pension fund, similar to the one that you would have if you were registered as an employee or freelancer in your country. Not ancillary pension funds offered by insurance companies, as these mostly focus on covering additional aspects that may not be covered by the core pension fund you have and they assume you already have a core pension fund.

Thank you so much for the help.


What are the options for mobile internet in Phuket, Thailand?

in Phuket , Thailand by @alejandrow 9yr 9 years ago  | 1 comment


I will be traveling in Thailand from november to december and would like to know which internet option I should choose. I need to use internet for writing and research and also 1-2 skype calls a week.

I need whatโ€™s best in Krabi and Phuketโ€ฆ I already have an unlocked pocket Wi-Fi that allows both 3G and 4G, so I only need a Sim Card filled with internet. Unlimited data would be the best, but in reality I would be fine with around 10 GB if the speed is good.

So which options do I have and what are your experience?



If my laptop is stolen, what are some quick replacement options?

by @normaldude 9yr 9 years ago  | 10 comments

Hypothetical Scenario: Letโ€™s say Iโ€™m traveling, and Iโ€™m using a Windows 10 laptop to get some work done. Itโ€™s 12 midnight, and my laptop(s) and luggage are suddenly lost. Maybe I went to a restaurant/bar/club, and thieves ransacked my hotel room while I was away. Whatever the case, I still have my wallet & smartphone, and thatโ€™s about it.

At this point, I need a replacement Windows 10 laptop, that I can install programs on, and I need it ASAP, so I can meet a deadline. What are my options?

Is there some 24 hour laptop-replacement-on-demand service out there?


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& what would your answer be to said question?


Options for DNs to stay and live in New Zealand for 1-2 years?

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I already have a remote job that I like and do not want to change it. I was thinking of moving to NZ in order to live there for a while - may be one or two years or more if me and my wife like to be there.
But it looks like tourist visa will not allow me us to stay there more than 9 month and other visas require some job offer which is not easy to get. So I was thinking if there is any simple way to move there except finding a new job binded to location in NZ.
Me and my spouse are Russian citizens.


Is it possible to have children, while living a nomadic life?


by @manu 9yr 9 years ago  | 27 comments

Anyone here has an opinion on having children, while living a nomadic life?

Me and my GF have been living on the road for 2 years now. Our businesses are mostly established and we are considering having kids within the next 2 years. The questions that come to my mind:

  • Can you optimize raising children like a web startup (picking a good location, school, doing a bit of home schooling, choosing languages, etc)
  • Is anyone doing this right now? What are your experiences?
  • Where are good places to live with children? I guess we would rent a house with garden and hire a local nanny/household helper.
  • Do you think itโ€™s an advantage for kids to grow up internationally with both parents being around more than usually?

Let me know what you think. I know Graham Brown is doing it with his Japanese wife. Sadly he doesnโ€™t write too much about family matters. Then there is also a family blog, I only recently discovered, but didnโ€™t get a chance to read yet.

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