pieter levels, marc lou etc are just among first influencers in a certain niche
we're all followers
the real secret is to act as influencer in a new niche, not to create products
you would say people selling courses are fake gurus, but
pieter levels = the fake guru of nomading
marc lou = the fake guru of saas / shipping fast
the whole ship fast thing is just a trend created by someone to grab attention and influence
you want to be successful?
pick something around your life where there isn't a clear someone to refer to online, and start making content everywhere constantly about it, then redirect the viewers to a community and to big claims of products (that you don't have), and then , ultimately, give them the product
that's the real secret
99% of people are just followers.
it's always the same thing
and now I fully realised it
i'm sure everybody here could have an idea or even build a product that is good. but no audience? you'll keep dreaming and being unsatisfied
saas is not different than selling courses
you either sell shovels for gold or you sell a service/product to someone that doesn't know how to do it or cannot do it, but in BOTH cases the best amplifier is acting as an influencer in that space.
and only other thing: prices, high prices, with free trial or tons of marketing and big claims "muh learn to code in 12 hours lol"
marketing is really the thing that is different: because , in a certain sense, is a sort of volountarily or involountarily brainwashing, is making yourself or your product appear as "the dream", and people "fall for it".
you know what is nomadlist? this tg group. i don't even use the website.
pieter levels is not a god. he goes to the bathroom in the morning. why does he and others earn so much?
same story: influencing people minds with content.
i can imagine they buy followers too, and the earnings at least initially "aren't mathematically precise".
there is no secret sauce.
Only faking it until you make it, in public, but being more believable and more bold and exploiting the fear that people have of "lacking something", making appear like you are a "natural winner", you just are so good with just a laptop, but you're humble and can understand them and ops you have this product ot help them blah blah blah, you'll have the meetup blah blah.
what a great community.
just someone random that has more courage or likes himself more in the mirror to MAKE content and apply the same tactics you would apply to increase number of views and followers in general, but to a certain niche
until you have enough "numbers" under you and a couple of good videos/content that make you seem an authority and a bit of time posting and some people that seem to praise you. and then "magically" you're someone.
so yeah.
Basically: start telling people what is right and what to do, instead of listening to someone telling you what is right and what to do.
Basically: just lead where there are no obvious leaders. and people will follow you. or something like this.
then others will copy you, but in the end this will just increase your popularity more, and increase that niche size, but you will stay on top if you built a community in the meantime and keep the ownership of those community/communities/accounts without having them closed, stopped or banned.
and you must also save people contact info so you can send them things
These are my reflections and I think , in many years of searching for a truth, this is the only thing I saw over and over.
building an audience when the audience has no clear leader.
the mistakes that everyone do? not creating, just consuming. or trying to create in a niche where the are already obvious leaders. if there are already obvious leaders, one should choice a different niche or a subset of that niche that is more specific and tell a story/narrative that is new.
to grab attenton the narrative has to be new. that is, imho